BMW i3 Active Battery Cooling Guide

A BMW i3 on a dealer's yard, from Wikipedia.

The BMW i3 has been a great electric success story for BMW. It has allowed them to get a great start on the electric vehicle market, while also being able to offer some unique additions to the car like the range extender option. Whether you have the range extender or not, the principal power source … Read more

BMW i3 Drivetrain Malfunction: What You Must Do Now

The Drivetrain Malfunction error on the BMW i3 dash

If you’re a BMW i3 owner, you may have noticed an unusual message appearing on your dashboard. It typically goes something like this: “Drivetrain Malfunction: Drive moderately. Maximum drivetrain output not available. Consult service center.” If you’ve seen this message or a variant of it, then you’re actually in a club of many BMW i3 … Read more