How Exactly Do Electric Cars Work?

A diagram showing the interaction between the pedal, controller, motor and battery work within EVs (electric cars).

Since we have all grown up around gasoline-powered cars, the general way that they work (i.e. gasoline is burnt in an internal combustion engine, which provides the necessary power to drive the vehicle forward) is fairly well understood. However electric cars are much newer and less mainstream, and so we wanted to take an in-depth … Read more

What Secret Cars are the ‘Tech Challengers’ (Google, Apple etc) Working on?

An actual Waymo car, from

For the past few years, there’s been more and more rumours that some of the big tech firms are working on self-driving cars, which will predominantly be plug-in electrics. Some companies – such as Apple and Dyson – have only given limited information about their programmes. Others – like Google – are fairly open about … Read more